Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hey I’m back!  Sorry it’s been a while but our internet was down.   So it was hard to get it back together but we did it, oh well let’s put it behind us.  So we finished the coop and let me tell you something, it was so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   But we did it.   So now our babies can have their new home.  Oh, speaking of our babies, they’re here!  I have been wanting to see them for so long now and we finally have them and I’m gonna tell you something - they are so so so so so so so so adorable for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now here they are, the pictures you have been waiting for.

Here's me, Chickadee, Mama Hen and the Chicken Wrangler.  I think Mama Hen wants to nest!  She just finished hammering the whole floor in!
Here's the Wrangler, nailing up chicken wire on the windows

Here's Daddy Rooster, working hard for all of us.  He's renamed it the Coop-de-ville!

The Wrangler and his trusty sidekick, Sally a.k.a. Ranch Superviser, watching the action!

Buddy, head of ranch security, is patroling the area for any suspicious characters that might be hiding behind the new nesting boxes.

Just me and my bro, playin around

The last wall is up and Daddy Rooster is about to add the door!
What happens next???'s the babies!

Well, that's it for now.  See y'all later!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How it all got started!

Hi, my name is Mattie and this is my blog.  My mom and dad have been wanting chickens for a while but I didn't think they'd do it.  My mom's friend, Miss Peggy, has chickens and she has helped us learn about them.   She even brought us a catalog filled with all sorts of things about chickens.  So we decided that we would start this chicken ranch together as a family.  Miss Peggy ordered the chickens for us last week and we are so excited to get them in.  We all picked a different kind and here's what everyone ordered.   My dad picked 4 Rhode Island Reds, my mom picked 4 Buff Orpingtons, my brother picked 4 Jersey Giants and I picked 4 Dominiques.  All of those are hens.  Then, my dad wanted one rooster so we surprised him and ordered a Buttercup Rooster. That's 17 chickens,  crazy huh?  While we wait for our new babies to arrive, we are busy building their new home.  Here's some pictures of the progress.

Here's our supplies.  My brother and I had to make a list of everything we needed to build the coop.  Then I had to type it in an Excel spreadsheet and print it.  Then my parents took us to Home Depot and we had to find all the prices and add them up.  

Here's the new pen for them to run around in 

Here's the skids.

There's Daddy Rooster setting up his tools.

We had to make sure it was level!

There's Daddy Rooster teaching my brother, a.k.a. The Chicken Wrangler, how to use a square.

Here's Buddy, head of ranch security, testing out the new pen!

Here's the Chicken Wrangler taking a break.  He LOVES the camera!

Well, that's it for now.  We will be working on the coop, or as Mama Hen calls it, the Chicken Condominium, all week.  I'll take more pictures as we go.  Thanks for stopping in.  See ya soon!

Mattie, a.k.a. Chickadee!